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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 215-410

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Concurrency Control by Locking

Christos H. Papadimitriou

pp. 215-226

Dynamic Bin Packing

E. G. Coffman, Jr., M. R. Garey, and D. S. Johnson

pp. 227-258

Whether a Set of Multivalued Dependencies Implies a Join Dependency is NP-hard

Patrick C. Fischer and Don-Min Tsou

pp. 259-266

The Equivalence of Two Semantic Definitions: A Case Study in LCF

Avra Cohn

pp. 267-285

Computing Rational Zeros of Integral Polynomials by $p$-Adic Expansion

Rüdiger Loos

pp. 286-293

Multiprocessor Scheduling of Unit-Time Jobs with Arbitrary Release Times and Deadlines

Barbara Simons

pp. 294-299

Properties of Finite and Pushdown Transducers

Christian Choffrut and Karel Culik II

pp. 300-315

Quadratic Algorithms for Minimizing Joins in Restricted Relational Expressions

Yehoshua Sagiv

pp. 316-328

The Worst and the Most Probable Performance of a Class of Set-Covering Algorithms

V. Lifschitz and B. Pittel

pp. 329-346

Towards a Genuinely Polynomial Algorithm for Linear Programming

Nimrod Megiddo

pp. 347-353

VLSI Algorithms for the Connected Component Problem

Susanne E. Hambrusch

pp. 354-365

Initial and Final Algebra Semantics for Data Type Specifications: Two Characterization Theorems

J. A. Bergstra and J. V. Tucker

pp. 366-387

Some Time-Space Tradeoff Results Concerning Single-Tape and Offline TM's

Oscar H. Ibarra and Shlomo Moran

pp. 388-394

Generalized $p$-Adic Constructions

Markus Lauer

pp. 395-410